Intergenerational Action Group’s Vision of Assisted Living Center
The Intergenerational Action Group is working on two very large projects.  First there is an expressed concern and need for an elder care facility in our immediate area in order to allow elderly residents who require assistance to be close to where they have lived most of their lives.  The other large project this group is working on is the Community Center and how it can be utilized in the future to meet the goals within the communities’ vision statement.
The group’s December meeting was dedicated specifically to the first project – the Assisted Living Center.  Several new members attended, which made this meeting especially informational and productive.  The guidelines for this project were established and reviewed in order to help the team keep focused on the big picture as they proceed.
Four members of the team attended a Grant Writing Class in Lewiston that will be helpful in their endeavors to make this vision a reality.
The committee members of this action group are hard at work researching various Elder Care models nearby as well as others in the state and other parts of the country.  They are also looking for potential collaborators, assistance in completing a feasibility study, financing, and possible sites for this center.  They would also like to extend an open invitation to anyone who has interest or ideas in either of these areas to come and participate in the visioning of these projects.
We applaud and celebrate this action group’s efforts in striving to meet the communities’ vision.  Thank you all for your dedication.  Keep up the good work.

Idaho Horizons Summit: Bringing Communities and Partners Together
The Idaho Horizons Summit will be an exciting and interactive opportunity to connect your Horizons community with potential partners.  We hope that the partnerships made during the summit will provide you with valuable resources for completing your action items, as well as offer partners the chance to develop and expand upon their services to rural Idaho communities.
As an attending community, a selected presenter(s) from your community will speak in front of potential partnering organizations.  Partners have been chosen and invited, based upon the needs outlined in your vision statements and action items.  The presenter will have a 15-minute time slot to present your community’s goal, vision, and action items.  Ideally, this time will be used to tell the partnering organizations what they can do to help your community complete your action items – so being specific is important.  All participants will have the chance to speak one-on-one with partnering organizations, during the networking sessions.  This will be a valuable time for solidifying contact information and compiling resources.  All community members are invited to attend the full day.
The Summit will be held in Grangeville, ID on January 24th at the Elks Lodge from
9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and includes the communities of Kooskia, Stites, Cottonwood, Grangeville, Riggins, Cascade, Kamiah, and Orofino.  Lunch will be provided.  Please  call or email either Kathee Tift at (208) 799-3096 or Laura Gehring at 
(208) 962-3868 or email Laura at so we can get a count of those planning to attend the Summit from our community. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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