This week we want to celebrate one of original Horizon Steering Committee members.  Angie Latimer, who was among the original Quad City Steering Committee members attended the initial training sessions given by the University of Idaho Extension which was funded by the Northwest Area Foundation.  
Through Angie’s volunteer involvement in the Prairie Horizon’s Study Circles, Neighborhood Meetings, LeadershipPlenty, and Visioning, Angie wanted to get started with one of the main visions our communities here on the Prairie said is important.
That is, getting the adults in the communities connected with the youth and the youth connected with the adults.  How did she accomplish this?  Angie opened a craft shop in downtown Cottonwood.  Talk about, entrepreneurship, Angie took a BIG LEAP and is offering space in her shop for classes that are available to everyone in the area, especially our youth.  These classes are taught by area artisans.
Some of the classes set up include Fly-Tying Class on Monday nights beginning April 7 and going through May 12, A Water Color Class on Saturday, April 12, “All Wired Up” – A Wire Wrapping Class on April 17th, a regular Beaded Bracelet Class on Thursday, April 24, a Polymer Clay Class on Thursday, May 1, An Earring Making Class on Thursday, May 8, a Beaded Bracelet Watch Class on Thursday May 15, and another “All Wired Up” – A Wire Wrapping Class on Thursday May 22.  Most classes run from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm.  The artisans are offering their time and talent also.  Please give Angie a call at 962-7727 to let her know which classes you want to participate in or come in yourself and sign up for one or more of these classes.  Also, if you have a special talent and would like to teach a class, please contact Angie to set one up.
Those wanting additional information about the classes already scheduled, please give
Angie a call.  It is wonderful to see that part of our vision is beginning to happen.  What a service and contribution to the community Angie and these artisans are doing.  Congratulations and we thank all of you!
Have you taken time to check out our blogging site?  If not, remember all you need to do is go to, click on Idaho, then on Cottonwood and catch up on the latest happenings.  You are welcome to make comments about the posts that are on the blog.  Just click on comments and respond or give us some of your ideas.  We try to keep you updated on what’s happening with each of the Action Teams and when their next meeting will be.  That way you can come and help out with your ideas and expertise.  The teams can always use more help and are open to your ideas.  Remember that everyone can have a voice in our communities’ future. 
The Steering Committee will meet this Thursday, April 10, 6-8 PM in the multi-purpose room of the Community Center.  The Intergenerational Action Committee will meet on Tuesday, April 15, 630-8:30 PM in the multi-purpose room of the Community Center.  The Communication, Coordination, Celebration Action Committee will meet Friday, April 18, 7-9 PM at Angie’s Crafts, and the Welcome to the Prairie will meet Tuesday, April 22, 7:00 PM in the Guest Dining Room at St. Gertrude’s Monastery.  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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