Forum for athletes planned
Dr. Edwin Tingstad, Inland Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Clinic, will present at a St. Mary’s Hospital Health Matters public forum on Thursday, June 26, at 7:00 p.m. at Prairie Middle School.  The topic of his talk, Athletes and ACL (knee) Injuries, will include information on anterior cruciate ligament tears and how to prevent them.  Dr. Edwin Tingstad
An ACL injury is extreme stretching or tearing of the ligament that connects the thigh bone to the shin bone.  One of the most common ways for the ACL to be injured is by a direct blow to the knee when the knee is forced into an abnormal position that results in the tearing of one or more knee ligaments.  However, most ACL tears actually happen without contact between the knee and another object.  Such non contact injuries happen when the running athlete changes direction or hyperextends their knee when landing from a common jump.  These movements are common to all agility sports including basketball, volleyball, tennis, skiing, snowboarding and track and field events.
Women are more likely to suffer an ACL tear than men.  The cause for this is not completely understood, but it may be due to differences in anatomy and muscular function, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.  They estimate that 38,000 women each year sustain ACL tears and that the incidence of ACL injuries is two to eight times greater among women than men.  Female basketball players are twice as likely as their male counterparts to tear an ACL.  
“We have been seeing quite a few ACL injuries in young women in our clinics,” said Dr. Teel Bruner, SMHC family practice physician.  “Dr. Tingstad and I are hoping to educate athletes, their parents, coaches, athletic directors and community members about this issue because there are exercises and techniques that people can do to minimize the likelihood of ACL tears.  I hope anyone who is interested will plan on attending the June 26th forum.”
Dr. Edwin Tingstad has been with Inland Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine Clinic since August, 2000.  He received his Medical Degree from the University of Washington in 1993 where he also completed a fellowship in Sports Medicine.  He sees patients in both their Pullman and Moscow office.
The forum is provided as a public service by SMHC.  It is free and open to the public.  No advance registration is necessary.

Third diabetes workshop scheduled
The St. Mary’s Hospital Cottonwood Medical Clinic is sponsoring the third in a series of workshops designed for people with diabetes.  The Friday, June 13th session will use a conversation map tool to facilitate a discussion and education on blood glucose monitoring.  Becky Ewing, Certified Diabetes Educator, will facilitate the session which will be held from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. 
“Although we have had two prior sessions which covered general information about diabetes and then meal planning, anyone who was unable to attend the first two sessions is certainly welcome to attend this third workshop,” said Ewing.  “Our first two sessions were excellent with lots of enthusiastic interaction between participants.  The new educational tool we’ve been using has fostered a lot of interchange.”
The new Healthyi educational tool uses a 3’ x 5’ table top conversation map and cards to simulate a board game with facts and discussion points for the participants.  
To register for the upcoming no cost workshop call SMH, 962-3251.

Clinics continue to offer free female wellness exams
The clinics administered by St. Mary’s Hospital continue to provide free female wellness exams and mammograms to Idaho County females who are either medically uninsured or underinsured.  Last year, SMH received a $22,000 grant from the Boise Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation to help serve women who might not have the resources to have a wellness exam and mammogram.  SMHC is notifying Idaho County women that they may qualify for a free female wellness exam and mammogram at one of their clinics.  Call one of their clinics now to request an appointment and they’ll mail a coupon.  Free informational materials are also available.
The Inland Northwest Community Foundation contributed $5,000 to cover the cost of pap smears as part of the female wellness exams.  The two grants are providing 150 free wellness exams and 50 free mammograms.
“We still have a number of appointments available for the free exams.  Women often postpone their own health care because they are more concerned about the health and welfare of their family members, but it is so very important to have regular exams to make sure we stay healthy, if not for ourselves, then for our families,” said Shari Kuther, RN, SMHC.  “I encourage women who qualify to take advantage of this service.  They can come to any of our clinics as long as they are Idaho County residents.”
According to Kuther, the program targets females aged 18 through 49 with a special emphasis on women between 40 and 49.  To qualify the female must not have had another wellness exam within the past year.  
“Our providers have worked with a number of women through the grant who were diagnosed with breast cancer.  The earlier breast cancer is detected the more treatment options are available,” said Kuther.  “We’re hoping women in the community will help us spread the word.  If you or someone you know qualifies for the free exams we encourage you to contact one of the clinics.  Once the appointment is made we’ll send a short coupon to fill out and bring with you so we can bill the grant. ”
Printed materials on breast cancer, cervical cancer and breast health have also been compiled and distributed to patients seen through the grants.
Appointments can be made by calling the Cottonwood Medical Clinic, 962-3267, the Kamiah Medical Clinic, 935-2585 or the CVHC Kooskia Medical Clinic, 926-7801.

Helicopters, Hot Dogs and Hospitals tour June 14
St. Mary’s Hospital is partnering with the Back Country Medics to offer hospital and helicopter tours on Saturday, June 14th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. 
The Back Country Medics helicopter.“The tours are designed to familiarize people with the services offered by our local back country medic team and our facility,” said Jim May, SMHC Development Director.  “The tours are not only designed for the curious they are also offered for new people to our community, those who frequent the back country and for our ongoing supporters.  Bring your family and bring your friends.  Everyone is welcome!”
Members of the SMHC Foundation board and hospital staff will give informal tours of the hospital and clinic and members of the Back Country Medics team will answer questions about the helicopter and describe some of the rescues they’ve performed.  
“We’re serving hot dogs and other refreshments to add to the fun,” said May.  “It’s designed as a family affair with an educational component.  Although no one ever wants to use emergency services, it’s nice to know what is available in the community before you need it.”
The helicopter will be displayed on the SMHC heliport pad on the hospital’s campus, 701 Lewiston Street, Cottonwood.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522



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