Monastery celebrates 100th year
From August 2008 until August 2009, the sisters of the Monastery of St. Gertrude are celebrating 100 years “at home” in Idaho. During the year and as a monthly feature, the Historical Museum at St. Gertrude will be contributing a feature entitled “100 Years Ago This Month” for the Cottonwood Chronicle.  We hope you enjoy this historical venture.  We welcome your comments.
100 Years Ago This Month – September, 1908
(Compiled by Sister Bernice Wessels, O.S.B.)
(The following news items are from the Camas Prairie Chronicle)
Subscription (1908)  -   One year           $1.50  -   Six months        $1.00                                
  F.S. Wimer, Editor and Proprietor
Work on the First National Bank building is progressing.  The building should be completed in another month and will be occupied before the bad weather sets in.
Rev. Father Baerlocher left  Monday morning for Victoria, B.C. where he was sent as a delegate for the local branch of the Y.M.I.
Two derrick teams at Joseph Nuxoll’s threshing machine had a runaway.  No one was hurt, not even the horses, but the harnesses were pretty well ruined.
The town of Cottonwood is busily being rebuilt after the fire in July.  Businesses as well as residences are going up.  Just now all eyes are on Cottonwood and it will pay them to keep looking as this is going to be one of the best towns in Central Idaho.  Watch Cottonwood grow.
Some advertisers from the Camas Prairie Chronicle , September, 1908
The St. Albert Brewery
Joe Schober, Proprietor
Manufacturer of the genuine “Pilsener” Lager Beer.  A pure product for the wholesale trade.
                                           Mail Orders Solicited
The Cottonwood Flour Mill
Terhaar & Engel Proprietor
Manufacturer of Mountain Gem Flour, Graham and Farina.        Mill feed always on hand
Good milling grain always taken at best market price.                Custom grinding done.
Housecleaning Sale
For the next thirty days at Schmidt & Pederson’s      Keuterville, Idaho
$21.50 - Cider Press            now……………………..$17.50
$35.00  - Sewing Machine   now…………………….$27.50
$75.00  -  Sewing Machine   now…………………….$65.00
$55.00 A- No. 1 Range         now…………………….$47.50
Boiler paint guaranteed not to burn off                         $  1.00 per gal.
$1.50 Hack & Buggy  Neckyoke    now………………$  .75
All kinds of tinware at 50% off.
A full supply of groceries always on hand.
The local Catholic Parochial School opened Monday and Father Berthold informed us that 66 students were present the first day.
A new passenger train was put into service on the Vollmer line Sunday and will no doubt continue to operate until such time as the service can be extended across the prairie to Grangeville.  After years of patient waiting the laying of the steel rails of the new railroad to the bridge in the west of town is taking place  From authoritative sources it has been learned that the passenger schedule will be extended to this place from Vollmer early next month.
Threshing will soon be finished again.  Several gasoline engines were used in the neighborhood and have proved even more satisfactory than expected.
National and International News
The first model T affectionately known as the Tin Lizzie, was introduced by Henry Ford. The car sold for $850.00.
The first flight of the Wright Army plane.  Orville Wright was the pilot.  After the exhibition all skepticism ended and the newspapers as well as the general public accepted the fact that powered flight has been achieved. At Fort Meyer, Virginia, Thomas Selfridge is the first person to die in an airplane crash.  Orville Wright, pilot was severely injured in the crash, but recovers.
“In God We Trust”, the motto taken from the $20 gold pieces by order of President Theodore Roosevelt, then replaced by an act of Congress appears as usual on the coins that are being turned out by the San Francisco mint in large quantities.
SOS becomes the standard radio distress symbol.
Construction on the ship Titanic begins in Belfast, Ireland.
Winston Churchill married Clementine Hozier at St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster, in London.
September Birthdays – 1908: 
Penny Singleton – American Actress  Paul Brown – American football coach
Richard Wright  –  American Author  Michael DeBakey – internationally recognized pioneer             Raymond Scott  –   composer, band leader  of modern medicine.
Eddie Tolan      –   American athlete

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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