Tri-Parish Youth active in October
OK, kids I know you are sitting there in the warmth of this beautiful Fall season wondering how you can get more involved with your church and faith life.  I have the answer for you; during the month of October we have opportunities for prayer, service, and faith filled fun.  You will only find out what all this youth group stuff is about if you give it a try, so come and join us as we discover who we are as God’s Church, “fully alive!”
We will begin our month with a time of Adoration and prayer.  
On Oct. 3rd High School and Jr. High we will meet from 5:00 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. @ St. Mary’s Church.  After spending time with Jesus will go to the Coffee Mill for breakfast. (Please bring $5.00) What a great way to begin the day!!  
On Oct. 5th the Peer Ministers will be meeting in Debbie’s office @ 7.00 p.m. to plan monthly Jr. High and High School REACH session.  
On Oct 6-8 I will be attending a lay ecclesial ministry retreat at St. Gertrude’s Monastery.  Please pray for us.
On Oct 12 the Girls small group dating session will meet in Debbie’s office @ 7:00.  It is not too late to sign up for this class, call Jenna @ 507-0193 if you have questions.  
On Oct. 14th the “Theology of the Body” small group will meet from 7:00-9:00 p.m.-pizza will be provided at 6:15.  All High School youth are invited to attend. 
On Oct. 16th-17th we will begin our 30 Hour Fast at the Ferdinand hall at 6:30.  All H.S. youth are invited and must have permission slips before they can attend.  Our time will be filled with activities focusing on a deeper understanding of poverty in our world.  We will sleep outside in cardboard boxes, pray, raise money, do Christian service, and be together for 30 hours with no food as a means of walking in solidarity with our brothers and sisters throughout the world.  All of our proceeds will go to Catholic Relief Services and World Vision.  Please bring $10.00 and 2 baked items to the Fast.  The closing of our Fast will take place during the Liturgy @ Ferdinand @ 5:00 p.m. We will have a simple meal for the Fasters following the Mass.  Call Debbie if you have questions.  
The Youth will also be hosting the Youth Mass @ Ferdinand @ 5:00 p.m. on Oct. 17th and everyone is invited and encouraged to attend.
On Oct. 21st the Peer Ministers will be hosting the REACH session @ the JHPB @ 7:00 p.m. All Jr. High and High School youth are encouraged to attend this time of growing in faith through fun and prayer.  We look forward to seeing you!  
On Oct. 24th the Confirmation candidates will meet in Debbie’s office @ 9:30 a.m. for the first part of their retreat day.  We will be doing our Christian service activity in the morning by cleaning the Highway outside of Cottonwood, after the clean up we will meet @ the Coffee Mill for pizza.  The 2nd part of the retreat will begin @ 1:30 in the Sacred Heart room @ St. Mary’s.  Dinner will be provided @ 5:30 p.m.  The retreat will close with a Blessing Rite for the Candidates at the 7:00 p.m. Mass.  Please bring $35.00 and your Baptismal Certificate to the afternoon session.  If you have questions please call Debbie @ 962-7761.  (You are required to attend this retreat as a part of the Confirmation process).  
On Oct. 26th the Girls small group Dating session will meet @ 7:00 p.m. in Debbie’s office.  We still have room in this group if you would like to join!  
On Oct. 28th all HS and Jr. High youth are invited to join us for a night of fun and food @ the Coffee Mill as we come together to celebrate the blessings of the Harvest.  We will have prizes for costumes and cookie decorating.  It is a time to come together to laugh, share, and enjoy each other’s company.  We will have TV’s set up so bring your favorite game, also please $5.00 for the food and drink.  It will be a great time and we look forward to seeing you and remember to bring your friends!!
It is through stepping out in service and a heart of otherness that we can truly become all we are meant to be.  We hope you join us in this month’s oppourtunity of Christian growth through faith in action!!
In the peace of Christ,
Debbie Chicane
Tri-Parish Youth Coordinator

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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