Bräts and Brew update
Well folks, here it is already the middle of October.  Field work is winding down and everyone is thinking about winterizing.  Only 73 shopping days until Christmas.
I noticed Halloween decorations going up around town which are very eye catching.  The kids are planning their Halloween costumes and I have been invited to a cider making event. Where did the summer go?
I was visiting with a friend who had just returned from Mt. Angel, Oregon after attending a wonderful Oktoberfest and another who is on her way to Leavenworth to take in the fall festivals there.  How exciting.  I hope they will share their experience and suggestions with us.
Not to be out done, here in Cottonwood we are doing our own version of an Oktoberfest in the form of a Bräts and Brew competition November 14th and interest is on the rise.  Some are shopping for costumes and others for recipes, if they can’t find those family favorites enjoyed by generations past.  I know there are lots of sausage recipes in this community for I have had the pleasure of tasting the finished product.  It should be a fun time for everyone.  So don’t miss out.  Come join us either as a participant or patron.
A friend of mine in the community had a birthday last week so I included an entry form with his card to encourage him to enter his mouth watering sausage in the competition.  The results were, he sent a package of his sausage back with the message for me to enter it.  Well, that would be fine and good but there are only 4 sausages in the package.  I got out my ruler and calculated how many slices each sausage would have to produce to feed 200 people.  So unless he comes through with a few more packages, the taste that is .09 of an inch would be his.  Hardly a taste to be voted on...but a “can do” if necessary.
I would encourage those of you who will be participants to send your entry in soon so the committee can be prepared to accommodate each of you with no last minute surprises.  For you folks who will be entering items in electric roasters, crock pots etc.  remember to bring along an extension cord to keep those items warm.
For the brew contest, glasses will be furnished.  If you wish to donate your extra brew for sale, the board would be delighted to have that additional revenue.
Tickets and entry forms are available at various businesses in the area and were printed last week in the Chronicle.  Be sure to get your tickets early as there will be a limited amount of tickets sold.  The cost is $8.00 now and will increase to $12.00 if there are any left to be sold at the door.
As of this printing The Hangout is the top seller so far.  Thanks folks.  Dankeschön.
As you have read in the past, it is a fund raiser for the Library to help defray the cost of their share of the new city hall remodeling.  Won’t it be great to have better access to the library?  Mark Saturday November 14th on the calendar, dig deep for those recipes and costumes (not required), get your entries and admission tickets soon and plan on an exciting fun filled evening while supporting a very worthwhile service to this community.
Keep tuned for more updates.  The best is yet to come!

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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