Bräts and Brew update
By Laurine Nightingale
Recently a relative loaned me “The International Cook Book,” published by the Campbell Soup Company. 
The section on Germany I found most interesting and deemed it worth sharing.Come join in the fun at the First “Bräts and Brew” competition on Saturday, Nov. 14 at the Cottonwood Community Hall. Shown are Lori Mader and Terri Duman in traditional German dresses.
This is to perk the interest of those who may wish to participate in the Brats and Brew competition. I found many of their foods to be similar to those found in our cook books. Who knows, your creative cooking may be a winner.
Did you know??? Sauerkraut and sausage figure heavily in meal planning for the German hausfrau? They saw its natural affinity to such staples as apples, wine, beer, caraway seeds and that indispensable menu item, pork.
Germans do not live by beer and pork alone. Wild game, nuts, sour milk products and fruits, both fresh and dried, are equally important staples. Fruits, for example, figure in every meal--used in soups, with potatoes, in place of a vegetable in a meat stew, or when not cooked with the meat, served as a tangy relish to accompany the main dish.
There are over 300 different kinds of sausages sold in Germany. Among them are the Schlachtwurst, Rrische Leberwurst, Kalbsleberwurst, Bierwurst, Kochbratwurst and Sulze (headcheese). Don’t they sound delicious? Which is your favorite?
To understand the diversity of the names as well as the dishes, let’s take a quick cook’s tour.
The northern region of Germany is influenced by its proximity to the sea.
Halibut, sole, herring and eel are featured on menus in Hamburg and Berlin.
Soups of cabbage , bacon or dried beans or lentils are also popular. Labskaus, “sailor’s hash,” is a version of corned beef hash; it features pickled pork, potatoes, beets and anchovies topped with a fried egg.
Just south of Hamburg is an area famous for its chickens and ducks. Stubenkuken, chicken browned in butter, is a local specialty. Buckwheat and rye are used in breads. You could not leave this area without sampling, virnen, bohnen and speck, an unusual combination of pears, green beans, and bacon. Would someone like to experiment with this one. It also could be a winner.
That’s probably enough for this week. Stay tuned for the rest of the story in next week’s addition......
The central part of Germany is land of rolling hills and fertile valleys, the land of nutty pumpernickel bread, white asparagus and Westphalian ham, a pungent smoked ham thin-sliced like prosciutto. Pfefferpotthast, a heavily peppered short rib dish, is a delicious example of the hearty casseroles enjoyed in this area.
To the east lies Frankfurt, whose Wustchen was the father to our frankfurter. Handkus mit musik is not a song but a favorite appetizer of soft cheese with marinated onion topping. Onions also transform into swiebelkuchen, a German version of quiche. I believe I found a similar recipe in a Uhlorn family cook book. Sr. Cecile had this recipe translated from German in to English with the help from an older Sister at the convent where Sr. Cecile was staying in Switzerland. I understand it is quite delicious.

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