Chaffee named mother of the year
Shari Chaffee was named Mother of the Year at the annual Prairie League Mother-Daughter Tea. Following is the essay written by her daughter Merannda which won her the honor:
You are mv sunshine...
When you hear the word "mom" many things come to mind, for me its home made chocolate chip cookies, the color pink, and the one who's sitting in the passenger seat telling me to slow down. My mom is the most creative, inspirational, and encouraging person you will ever meet. We have been together for the past 16 years and between school and maybe getting my licenses we've been to hell and back. I love her very much; she has been there for me through everything. From the fuzzy awards we got in kindergarten to now competing for scholarships with my fellow classmates.
I remember one of my favorite things to do when I was younger was cuddle up in a rocking chair with her and have her read to me until I fell asleep. Or keeping you up all night when I couldn't sleep because I thought my stuffed animals didn't love me anymore. I was an odd child, but you loved me just the same. Between four kids and a husband there is a lot of love...a lot of patience.. .and a whole lot of cleaning. I don't know how but you find the time, no matter what to clean up after 5 other people. I swear sometimes I think you're a magician, with in a matter of five minutes the room that I share with my six year old little sister goes from a pigs pen, to something fit for a princess. 
I still remember a few days after my birthday I had gotten a little red skirt and shirt that said princess across it and I just thought I was hot stuff at about age 8, took off on my bike with all the boys and just ate it around that gravel corner. We got home and I had to bathe in the time the phrase "mom knows best" was beginning to sound like a lie. But its true mom really does know best.
Looking back at old pictures of grade school, I can't believe you let me out of the house in some of the things I wore, but I guess that's one of those things a mom is. She loves us for who we are, no matter what we look like, no matter how we smell... no matter what. When all is said and done I just want you to know that I will love you forever, like you for always and as long as I'm living my mommy you'll be. Looking back I remember that old song you used to sing to me, "you are my sunshine my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know dear how much I love you so never take my sunshine away". Well you are my sunshine and always will be, and you will never truly know how much I love you. I love you as big as the sky is blue and I always will.
Love, Merannda

Shari Chaffee and her daughter Merannda

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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