Come GROW! with us
It’s not too late to join the Tri-Parish Catholic parish community in our small group faith-sharing adventure.  Below you will find the list of study options.  If you do not have a group yet, we can find you one.  There are many groups meeting at all different times.  Or, you can pull together your friends and family and start a new group of your own.  Contact Jeanne Arnzen at the church office (962-3214) with questions or to sign up.
The organizational meeting for this season of GROW! Faith Formation will take place on Tuesday, September 7th at 7pm in the back of St. Mary's Church. All group leaders are encouraged to attend this meeting. You will have an opportunity to preview the materials that have been chosen for this year. You can ask any questions you may have and prepare for the upcoming year of GROW!ing in Christ.  We would also love to see some new faces step forward to take on the organization of one of these groups. Please prayerfully consider becoming a facilitator. The only qualification you must have is a love of Christ and the Church and a desire to learn more about them. Come to this meeting to find out more!
Below are the four selections available to study this year.  You can also stop by the Church office to look over the materials.
The Catholic Church in the 21st Century, ed. by Rev Michael J. Himes--This book looks back on the history of the Church to discover what the 21st Century Church can learn from its past. It includes a study guide. Cost is $16 per person. 
"We Believe. . ." A Survey of the Catholic Faith, by Oscar Lukefahr, C.M.--This best-selling guide follows the four main divisions of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (Belief, Worship, Christian Life and Prayer). Activities and questions for group discussion are included. A workbook is included in the cost of $7 per participant. 
The Privilege of Being Catholic, by Oscar Lukefahr, C.M.--More than a question-and-answer review or an overview of history and dogma of Church teaching, this book demonstrates how the sacramental principle has had a profound effect on the way Catholics view God, the universe, humankind and life. Readers will get to know and love the Catholic church better as they grow to appreciate "the privilege of being Catholic." Workbook included. $7 per person. 
Just Neighbors--This is an interactive poverty-awareness program published by Family Promise that is designed for small-faith groups. It includes nine-90 minute sessions.   This multi-media curriculum addresses the issues that surround poverty and examines ways we can help our neighbors who are trapped in poverty. Just Neighbors is an engaging and inspiring educational experience. Check out their website, for more information.  Click on the “Catholic” tab in the upper right corner to see the version we are using.  Cost is $12 per person

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