Letters to Santa Claus from local school children
Santa letters from Janet Richardson’s 1st grade class

To Santa,
How is Ruolf? Did mrs. Klos bak cookies?  Cood you brin a zuzu pet and a puppy?  Hav a happy Chrismis.
Delanie Lockett

Dear Santa,
How are the randeer doing?  I mis seeingyou!  I would like to have Littlest People and silly putty and a puppy and sum makeup.
Love, Olivia Klapprich

Dear Santa,
How are you and Misis Clos?  How mane rander do you hav?  I luv you and Misis Clos.  Mery Chrismas.
Luv, Bailey Hankerson

Dear Santa,
How is Roodof?  Is his nos red?  Wut I want to have is for my bruthr to have the best Chrismis.
Love, Kyle Schwartz

Dear Santa,
How is mrs Claus?  Is she coking? Santa, if you have sum make up or some books  I wood like some plese.  Merry Chrismas.
Love, Trinity Martinez

Dear Santa,
I love you Santa very much.  Santa can You give me a doll?  I wnt forgt You.
Love, Laney Forsmann

Dear Santa,
Ho ho ho! How is Mrs. Claws?  For chrismas I want a toy airplan plese! 
Love, Merlyn Famiglietti

Dear Santa,
How are the rander and Mis Klos?  Ma I hav a snobord and a forweler?  I wod lik a lago set and a toy drt bik.
Love, Caleb Butler

Dear Santa,
How ar the elfes?  Culd you giv me a wener dog and a babe kitn?
Love, Jessica Coe

Dear Santa,
How are the rander doing?  Wut kind of fud do the rander et? I wood lik a drt bik plese.
Love, Travis Alfrey

Dear Santa,
Ho ho ho merry crismas.  I want some ske boots. I wher size 1, a karade book and a drt bick.
Love, Wyatt Ross

Dear Santa,
How is roodoff. I hope he is not sik.  I wood like a horse!  Mery chrismas.
Love, Molly Johnson

Dear Santa,
Wut do your rander eat? How are you?  Culd you plese brin me a Barbe? Mary chrismas.
Love, Josie Remacle

Santa Letters ~ Cindy Schumacher’s First Grade Class

Dear Santa,
My mom and dad has been good.  Santa, how do you fit all of the presints in your bag?  So why do you like to slide?  Have a Maree Chrismis Santa.  I wish I could see you Santa.  I luve you.  Hou do your randeers fly?  Plees will you bring me a DVD player?
I luv you.
Luv, Anna Everson

Dear Santa,
I hav been bad and good.  Will you bring me sum presants or coal?
Wen is Christmas?  How do your randers flie?  I want a kitchin set.
Have a safe trip.  Are one of your randers named Roodof?
How dos your slae fly?  Have a Merry Christmas!
Love, Katteri Duman

Dear Santa,
Dus your Randers git tired?  Dus one Elfs go with you?  How do you fli throoh the Chimne if the Chimne is small?  How dus your Rander fli?  How dus all uv those toys fit in that bag?  Dus your Randers git tired?  Dus your Elfs git to have a vacashun?  Can I have a Bild a Bare with clothes?  How dus our Rander balance on the roof?
How can you see all uv the kids at the Northpol?  How can you go to all uv the kids houses?  Have a grat flight.
Luv, Jade Gehring

Dear Santa,
Hou do your rander fly on the Slae?  How do presents git in one bag?
And is it cold in the northpole?  Is it very cold?  It is cold here.  I want a guinea pig that has a fence and that dosn’t scrach.  Maree Chrismis Santa and have a good fly.  Maree Chrismis.
Love, Mackenzie Key

Dear Santa,
I like presents.  How do you fly?  I would like a Woody toy.  What do you like?  Do you like a hammer?  Do you like a ball?  Santa, I like cowboy stuff and I like cowboy boots and cowboy hats and a train.  I like train stuff too.  I would like a ball.  I like toys and I like you Santa and I like my sister and I’d like a sled too and a cat and a dog and a bunny and my mom  and dad and myself.
Love, James Biltz

Dear Santa,
How do you fit all those toys in the sack Santa?  This year cood you give me a remote control racing toy?  I hope you have a safe trip.  Is one randeer named Roodolf and is one named Danser?  So Santa do the bells on your hat ring?
I hope you have a safe trip.  I hope your ho, ho, ho stays.  Have a safe trip.  I hope you mack it all uround the wurld.
Love, Evan Schwartz

Dear Santa,
Dus Mis Clos backe gud cookies?  Do your rander like carots?  Here’s what I want for Crismis.  A La, La Loosey, zoo zoo pet, a cat, a laptop, a viteo girl and a play horse.  I love you.
Love, Shae Dinning

Dear Santa,
How do you mack those toys?  Do you mack those toys from your workshop?
I think you mack yor toys from a conveyor belt.  I wish you could bring me a little For- weeler.  Please bring me a for-weeler.  I ran into a fence riding on a for-wheeler.
A for-weeler is fun.  Bring me a for-weeler.  Thank you.
Love, Jeffrey Arnzen

Dear Santa,
Do bells hav things in them?  Dos Mrs. Clos make things?  Do you ever git to sleep?
How do you deliver the toys?  How dos your slay fly?  How come  you put bells on?
Can you git me a gingerbread man and ornaments?  Can you git me a bell and a Fake beard and a bunk bed and a montar truck?  I hope you have a saf fly.  Have a good night.  Marry Chrismis.  Do you ever take your glovs off?  Do your Elfs workhard?  Git home safe.
Love, Chase Kaschmitter

Dear Santa,
How dus your slae fly?  How do you giv presents to evry budy in the world?  Do you get a break?  Wut do you like to eat on Crismis?  Are your bells majik?  Is your bag majik?  Do your randeer pull the sleigh?  Do the elfs git a break?  Do your ranedeers like kerrits?  Wut do you like to do when Crismis is over?  Can I plese have  a Boise State Football helmit?  Santa I hope you have a safe drive.
Love, Zach Rambo

Dear Santa,
Do you no that brothers  are sometimes bad and mean to me?  Can you get in to my hows when we do not hav a chimney?  Santa you can get me enything you want to.
How do your randeer flie?  How dus the bag that you put your toys in fit all of the toys in it?  Can you get me a red sled please?  Have a good Crismis Santa.  Drive safe.  Have a good fly.  I love you Santa.  Please drive safe, O.K.?  I can give you wutever you want, O.K.?  
Love, Abigail Nopens

Dear Santa,
How do you go all around the world in one night?  Are the bells on your sleigh magic?
How do you get in a house if the peopole don’t have a fireplace?  How does your sleigh flie?  And if you can coud you please tell your Elfs to make whatever you think is Best?
I hope you have a Merry Chrismas!
Love, Thia Ostrander

Dear Santa,
How do your randeer fliy?  I lic you.  Dus it sno at the northpol?  Are the randeer strong to pull the sled?  How do you git down the jimney?  Dear Santa, can you git me a reindeer that pulls you on the sled?  Can you git me a gingerbred man and Steelers swetshirt?
Can you git me a monster truck?  I hope you hav a vere good Crismis.  Do you lic your
Randeers?  How dus your randeer fliy?  Can I git a bunk bed?
Love, Brody Hasselstrom

Dear Santa,
How fast dus your ranedeer go?  What hapins when I wake up?  How do you dliver the toys?  Do your ranedeer eat the carrots?  Do your Elfs tack a vakashin?  Duz the northpol stae cold?  Do you land in Madagascar?  How do your ranedeer flie?  Dosnowmen cum alive?  Do you under water?  In Australia is it summer thare?  Do ducksgit prezints?  Do bears liv there?  I want a Ravij Toy.  I hope you hav the best Crismis ever.
Love, Dorsey Pearson

Dear Santa,
How do you mack the raindeer fly?  I want a train and a gumball mashen.  How is Miss Santa Closs?  Do your raindeer like carrets?  Do you eat and rink my mom’s cookies and milk?  I wish you a Merry Christmas.  I want a cat.  What helps the raindeer fly?  Do  you no where is Hevin?  How do we no you are real?  I belive in you.  I want to see you on Christmas.  I hope you have a safe flyt.
Love, Amanda Halligan

Dear Santa,
How do you poot Crismis trees in your bag and how do you make your randeire fly?  And have a good fly.  What I want for Crismis is a rocitship with a remote control.  And how do you make your cookees taste better?  How do you fit all of your toyz in your bag?
Love, Jesse Cronan

Below are Letters to Santa Claus written by Kathy Rehder’s Kindergartners at Summit Academy.

Dear Santa,
Please bring me a Zelda game and a Light Saver. I also want a Wii remote. Merry Chrinstmas.
Torry Chmelik

Dear Santa,
I want some new stamps and a dolphin pillow pet. Have a safe trip!
Tara Schlader

Dear Santa,
I would like a Pandanda bear pillow pet and a new desk. How did Rudolph get his red nose? Have a safe trip.
Makayla Ann Rose

Dear Santa,
I want a bike and a horse. Where do you live? Are you bringing the sleigh?
Ryan Wemhoff

Dear Santa,
Can I have a John Deee bike? I would also like a new horse. How do ther reindeer fly? I love you.
Kristin Wemhoff

Dear Santa,
I want a guitar 9 knives and a pick-up with 2 dirt bikes. Have a safe trip. Merry Christmas!
Cody Wassmuth

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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