October LNO had pink camo theme
Hunting Widows is the theme for the next Ladies Night Out scheduled at the Cottonwood Medical Clinic on Anna Buschbacher, Program Coordinator, and Hilarie Engle, Executive Director, Komen for the Cure, Boise Affiliate, met earlier this summer with Shari Kuther, RN, and Pam McBride, SMHC Chief Grants Officer, about the Ladies Night Out program.  The next event is scheduled for October 12th.Wednesday, October 12th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.  All women are welcome.  Those who would like to have their female exam scheduled that evening should call the clinic, 962-3267 to make an appointment.  Uninsured or underinsured residents of Idaho County can receive the exam at no cost through a Komen for the Cure grant from the Boise affiliate.
Earlier this summer the executive director of the Komen for the Cure, Boise affiliate, Hilarie Engle, and their program coordinator, Anna Buschbacher, visited St. Mary’s Hospital to discuss the success of the grant and the Ladies Night Out programs.  They asked a variety of questions, but congratulated planning team members on providing the free exams and mammograms for women in Idaho County in a unique format.  
The Boise Affiliate provided 26 grants to various organizations in their affiliate area in the 2010-2011 grant year.  This is the third year St. Mary’s Hospital has received a grant.
“Women don’t have to come to the evening events to have their exam through the Komen grant,” said Pam McBride, SMHC Chief Grants Officer. “They can make an appointment at any of our clinics at any time.  We just planned the Ladies Night Out for all women to make it fun to learn more about women’s health and to encourage women to make sure they don’t overlook their own health.  Women who were seen as part of our other two Komen grants are welcome to schedule another appointment during this grant year, too.”
According to the planners, the evening’s theme was selected because October is both hunting season and breast cancer awareness month.  “October is a good time to focus on breast cancer since eight out of ten American women will experience breast cancer in their lifetime and, of those, 80% don’t have a family history.  Many women think that if their mother didn’t have breast cancer then they are safe.  Not so,” said Jeanette Gorman, SMHC Community Relations Coordinator.   The evening will include a display on breast cancer, handouts on mammograms, pap smears, breast self exams, and other female health issues.
“We encourage all women to come enjoy themselves, bring a friend, receive a free goody bag, have some delicious refreshments and consider scheduling their annual exam during the evening,” said Gorman.  “Private insurances can be billed or the Komen grant will pay for qualified women.  It is strictly confidential.”

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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