More 52-Pickup winners
The monthly drawing for 2011-2012 KC 52 Pickup participants was held at the February 2012 meeting of KC #1389.  The winners are as follows:
Week 19-April Lustig, $50.00
Week 20-PFFP Building, $50.00
Week 21-Marjorie Schumacher, $50.00
Week 22-Heath Klapprich, $50.00
Week 23-Ben Bross, $50.00
Week  24-Bo Rose, $200.00
Congratulations to all of the winners.  All of you should have received your winnings by now.  Thank you for supporting the Knights of Columbus and our charitable  projects. Blessings to the person who bought tickets and donating the proceeds to the new CEC (PFFP) building fund.  The Holy Spirit works in wonderful ways.  We are just beginning to sell tickets for the new 2012-2013 drawing.  Please join the fun and anticipation.  Remember we will only sell 300 tickets.  Please contact Joe Didier, Greg Sonnen, Jim Remacle, Max Nuxoll or any KC member for tickets.   You too could receive an unexpected surprise in the mail.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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