Antique harvest bee set for Saturday
Join us Saturday, September 8, for an Antique Harvest Bee at the Tiede Farm out of Winchester. This year we will again be featuring the 1946 John Deere 36 pull combine and the 1955 Studebaker truck.  We will be using a 1937 RD6 Cat.
 We'll get started about 1:30 PM (rain cancels).
 Directions--6 miles north of Winchester on Old Highway 95. It is your 6th left. Turn on Golden Ridge Cemetery Road, go 2/10 of a mile.  If you are coming up the Old Winchester Grade, go approx. 8 miles from Culdesac, go 1 mile after you get to the top and turn right on Golden Ridge Cemetery Road.  Watch for signs!
For more information call Randy Tiede at 924-5807 or 791-9245.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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