Wemhoff Architecture moves
Wemhoff Architecture has moved their business from the Simon Building to a larger space in the Duman Mini-Mall.
Owner Rhonda Wemhoff said the new space gives them about 3 times the room and allows them to have a separate conference room for meetings with clients. They also have more storage space available.
She plans to hold an open house Friday, May 16 starting at 4 p.m. in conjunction with a Cottonwood Chamber of Commerce Business After Hours session. There will be more information on that in next week’s Chronicle.
Wemhoff started with Don Bott in 1991 in Lewiston and opened a satellite office of Bott & Associates in Cottonwood in 1995 in the Idaho Stove Building. She later moved to the Simon Building when Joe Didier renovated that building.
In Sept. 2011 she broke away from Bott and Associates to form her own business.
Sheila Arnzen has been working with Wemhoff since 2005 and recently Stephen Magnan of Idaho Falls has joined the business. Jessica Schlader does the bookkeeping for the business.

Wemhoff Architecture has recently moved to a new location in the Duman Mini-Mall. They are located in the western side of what used to be the City Electric storefront. Shown from left are Rhonda Wemhoff, owner, Stephen Magnan and Sheila Arnzen. They are planning an open house Friday, May 16.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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