Hall renovation continues
The City of Cottonwood is planning a renovation at the Community Hall to house the Senior Citizen Center.  
Part of the planning process includes pursuing grant funding to help pay for the renovation work.  In order to apply for block grant funds the city must meet eligibility requirements.  A total of 193 households were randomly selected by the Clearwater Economic Development Association (CDEA) to participate in this survey.  CEDA is a regional planning district in Lewiston which the City of Cottonwood is a member.  CEDA has helped us in the past with funding to renovate the Community Hall and most recently repair the Maple Street Culvert.  
This survey asking 3 questions will be included in the utility bills next week.  Upon completion the surveys will be returned to CEDA to determine eligibility.  If you were selected please return your survey as soon as possible. This information is confidential.  If you have questions or concerns you can contact Shelli Schumacher at 208 962-5371, or Kelly Dahlquist at CEDA 208-746-0015 ext 109.  

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
or cotchron@qwestoffice.net
Fax 208-962-7131
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