December events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear youth in Christ,
As I am writing this the snow is falling.  I love this time of year.  We all feel this wonder and anticipation as our hearts are filled with joy.  We move throughout the whole month of December with a different way of being as we wait for, rejoice in, and rest in all the month brings.  Today you are invited to join us as we gather to make this a special time for you, the youth of our parishes through fun, worship, songs, decorations, laughter and more. 
We started the month by meeting at the OMG at 7:00 on Dec. 2nd to send the local college students Christmas cards.  This is a great time to give them encouragement and a hello from their home town during their college exams. 
On Dec. 6th all of the youth are encouraged to join Jaime Theitten for a concert at St. Gertrude’s Monastery at 2:00 p.m. for a concert. The Confirmation class will meet on Dec. 6th at the CEC for pizza at 6:30 and class at 7:00. This is a change in your original schedule due to the Light Parade being on Dec. 13th. 
The Steubenville Posse will meet at the OMG youth room at 7:00 p.m. for a special session with David Calavitta. If you are a member of the team please join us and remember to bring a friend.  We will be connecting with David live so if you want to talk to him or ask him questions, this is a perfect time.  Thanks Jim for leading this session.  It’s going to be awesome! 
On Dec. 10th PFFP is hosting a family Advent night.  All of our youth and their families are invited to this great event at St. Mary’s Church at 7:00.  Please watch the bulletin for more information.  This is a great opportunity to bring the Advent season alive for the family. 
On Dec. 12th the Confirmation class and any High School youth who would like to help is invited to come to the Cottonwood City Shed at 10:30 a.m.  You are also asked to please bring a string of lights.  Pizza will be provided for lunch.  We will work on the float until it is finished. 
On Sunday, Dec. 13th all youth signed up to ride on the float will meet at Debbie’s office at 3:30 to get dressed.  We will line up for the parade at 4:30 in the Church parking lot.  We will undecorate the float following the parade.  Please be present to help take things down and put them away if you have signed up for this part of the community service, adult help is always welcome!
On Dec. 14th the Haiti team will meet in the OMG youth room at 7:00 p.m. to plan the January fundraiser.  We will also discuss the option of a Dec. fundraiser, please be present if you are part of the team. 
On Dec. 16that 7:00 p.m. the Jr. High and High School are invited to attend a themed movie night.  Our theme is “Christmas”. You are asked to wear an ugly Christmas sweater.  The ugliest sweater will be voted on by the youth and will receive a prize.  Our movie will involve a Christmas theme!  Cookies and hot chocolate will be provided for this great event! 
On Dec. 20th all youth and college students who are attending the 8:00 a.m. Mass at St. Anthony’s parish will be asked to place an ornament on the Christmas tree.  We are so proud of all of our young people; your ornament is a symbol of your presence within our communities over the holiday season.  Please remember you are greatly loved! 
On Dec. 21st the High School youth will be caroling at the hospital and around town.  Please arrive at the OMG youth room at 5:30 p.m. When we are finished caroling we will go to the OMG for chili and a white elephant gift exchange.  Please bring a wrapped gift to the event; this gift can be crazy or nice.  It is your choice.  This is always a fun event and a great way to begin the Christmas season! 
On Dec.28th the college students are invited to a social at the OMG at 7:00 p.m. This event is hosted by the high school youth. We will have games, snacks, music, and time to reconnect with each other.  We hope you join us for this time of friendship and fun! 
As we prepare to rejoice on Christmas morning let us remember to “see” all this is before us daily, especially during the Advent season.  It is here that we will truly embrace the joy given to us by the Savior of the World.  Merry Christmas everyone and may your days be blessed!
In the Spirit of the Season,

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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