CEDA wins award
The Clearwater Economic Development Association, based in Lewiston, Idaho received a 2015 Innovation Award from the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) Research Foundation for Addressing the Skill Needs of the Metal Manufacturer Supercluster.
The award winning project involved research conducted by the University of Idaho and CEDA determining the skills needed for the most difficult to fill, in-demand occupations of the region’s metal product manufacturers. This work has formed the basis for improving skill development to meet industry demands.
With the research, the University of Idaho applied for National Science Foundation funding to establish a
high school training program, the Northwest Intermountain Metal Manufacturing Career Development
Program. CEDA coordinated planning partners and solicited commitment from 16 school districts and 20
manufacturers to participate in the program.
To address recruitment needs of the manufacturers, Lewis-Clark State College, Southeast Washington Economic Development Association, Northwest Intermountain Manufacturers Association, the Idaho Lewis County Technical Education Foundation, and CEDA are working with the National Association of Manufacturers to implement Dream It Do It, a manufacturing recruitment program targeted at high school students.
This comprehensive manufacturing workforce development initiative will attract and retain employees with the necessary skills for the region’s manufacturing workforce. The work is conducted through the CEDA Manufacturing Workforce Development Council and the NIMA Board of Directors. 
“Our region is ahead of many other regions across the United States in our efforts to make long-term change to meet the future workforce needs. CEDA submitted a proposal for the award on behalf of all partners who are contributing to its effort.” A total of 16 manufacturing companies and 15 local organizations and funding agencies have a role in this work.
NADO is a Washington, DC-based association that promotes programs and policies that strengthen local governments, communities, and economies through regional cooperation, program delivery, and comprehensive strategies. The association’s Innovation Awards program recognizes regional development organizations and partnering organizations for improving the economic and community competitiveness of our nation’s regions and local communities. Award-winning projects were honored during NADO’s 2015 Annual Training Conference, held October 24-27 in New Orleans, LA.
“For nearly 30 years, NADO’s Innovation Award has provided regional development organizations the opportunity to be recognized for their hard work and dedication to promoting economic development in rural and small metropolitan communities across the country. Building on the unique strengths and challenges of each region and community, award recipients continue to promote sustainable economic growth not only now, but for many years to come. And I am pleased to announce that this year over 100 regional development organizations were selected to receive NADO’s 2015 Innovation Award,” said NADO 2014-2015 Board President Terry Bobrowski, Executive Director of the East Tennessee Development District in Alcoa, TN.
For more information about the award-winning project, contact Christine Frei at the Clearwater Economic Development Association at (208) 746-0015.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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