February events for Tri-Parish Youth
Dear Youth in Christ,
 This is the month we as a Church begin our journey toward Easter, where we focus on God’s love through redemption.  During lent, we look at our need for his grace and strive to grow in holiness through repentance, prayer, and fasting.  It is here in this call that I invite you to join us in our February journey of prayer, adoration, serving, planning, gathering, discussing, and learning, 
 We will begin the month with Adoration of our Blessed Lord.  All youth and their parents are invited to a beautiful hour of prayer on Feb. 2nd at 10:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Church.  We will have prayerful music and a time to reflect and just be still with the Lord.  Please join us and bring your family!  
 On Super Bowl Sunday, the Haiti team will be delivering homemade cinnamon rolls and chili throughout the communities.  You can place an order by calling the parish office or contacting Debbie.  We will take orders up until Feb. 2nd.  The Haiti team would like to thank you for your support!  
On Feb. 5th the adult team planning for the May retreat for Jr. High will meet at the Habit at 7:00 p.m. On Feb. 7th at 7:00 p.m. the Jr. High will have a game night at the OMG.  Please bring your favorite game, snacks and drinks will be provided.  I will be leaving on Feb. 8th to watch the girls play at the State tournament in Boise. 
 Confirmation class is planned for Feb. 11that the CEC at 9:15 a.m.  We will be studying and discussing Chapter 20 in your book.  Please bring your book and be prepared to answer questions from the previous chapter.  The High School Leadership Bible study will take place at the Habit at 7:00 p.m. on Feb. 12th.  All High school youth involved please bring your binders. 
We will not have youth group on Feb. 14th, Ash Wednesday because it is Valentines day. Enjoy time with your loved ones! (Boys districts goes from Feb. 12th through 21, so I haven’t planned a lot of High School events during this time). I have until midnight, Feb. 15th to get the High School youth and adult chaperones registered for ICYC.  Please make sure you have your forms to me prior to this date so I can get you registered.  Thank you for willingness to join me on this life changing, faith building event! 
On Feb. 20th the adult Confirmation Retreat planning team will meet at the Habit at 7:00 to plan the May retreat.  
On Feb. 21st the High School youth will meet at 6:30 for food, Catholic Q and A at 7:00 and social at 8:00.  All High School youth are invited to this night of learning and conversation! 
On Feb. 25th the Confirmation class will meet at the CEC at 9:15 for lesson 21.  Please make sure your saint reports are finished and ready to be presented. 
On Feb. 26th the Haiti team will meet at the OMG at 7:00 p.m. to plan their taco dinner fundraiser for March.  All team members asked to be present! 
On Wed. Feb. 28th we will have our Jr. High Life night.  We will begin with pizza at 6:30, study at 7:00 and social activity at 8:00.  All Jr. High youth are invited to attend this faith building night.  
This month is month filled with invitations to grow closer to God.  It is the perfect time to make decisions that build up your faith and take you toward a new wholeness in your life.  I look forward to our time together and I challenge you to invite a friend who may just need to hear about the goodness of God!  Please know, you can make a difference in the life of another person and that is truly living out you’re your young Catholic identity with greatness! 
In Christ, Debbie

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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