Hospitals invite you to participate in Community Health Needs Assessments
St. Mary’s and Clearwater Valley Hospitals would like to invite everyone, no matter where you receive your healthcare, to participate in our Community Health Needs Assessments for Idaho, Lewis, and Clearwater Counties.  These assessments create a powerful opportunity to provide input and significantly improve the health of communities.
CHNAs have the potential to be powerful drivers to enhance the health of communities. Thousands of hospitals across the United States complete a CHNA process every three years. This process includes reviewing current data concerning our community health status, soliciting input from the community and devising strategies to address the identified priority needs. 
“This is where you come in,” says Ashley Steinbruecker, Community Relations Manager at CVHC. “We need active participation from our community by way of filling out the survey (” 
The CHNA Steering Committees for both hospitals met in late November and had open discussion on what the existing needs of the communities are. A lot of ideas were thrown out and those ideas and issues were the basis for the survey. “We now need the help of our communities to narrow down and focus on the top 3 or 4 issues,” says Kim Johnson, Community Relations Manager at SMH. 
Viewing the CHNA as an ongoing improvement process can make hospitals and health systems more community oriented and help ingrain community health improvement into the hospital’s mission and operations. This approach to health and health care is becoming increasingly important as the health care field moves toward a more focused approach on population health and preventing illness.
With your participation, our hospitals and our partners can begin to have a clearer understanding about the needs of the communities we serve.  SMH/CVHC realizes that having “healthy” families means more than just providing medical care.  It means building relationships and resources and establishing collaboration with our hospitals and our communities in order to solve our most pressing issues and barriers.  Please take a few minutes to go to the link and fill out the survey.  Or, call Kim Johnson at 208-962-2100 or Ashley Steinbruecker at 208-476-8033 to have one mailed to you. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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503 King St.
P.O. Box 157
Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
Fax 208-962-7131
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