School Board meets
The school board held their May meeting Monday, May 20 and accepted several resignation/retirements.
Carletta Allen retired as speech pathologist. They will open the position on Sept. 1 as her contract runs out August 31.
Also resigning was music/band teacher Jonathan Madrid, who is taking a position closer to his family.
Katrina Bentley resigned as a part-time aide.
Tori DeCaria resigned as the drug free coordinator. She will stay with the district at her other positions.
In other business $38,325 was approved for transfer from the MAFA fund to the bus fund. This was a budgeted move to pay for a new bus.
The football uniforms and equipment were approved for use by the football team for football camp.
Glenn Poxleitner appeared and discussed looking at developing a cross-country course along the fence line surrounding the football/track complex. He will get together with Jon Rehder and Ryan Hasselstrom, who had also been looking into something similar. This may come up as an agenda item at the June meeting.
In the facilities report Superintendent Rene’ Forsmann said they are looking into heat tape for the high school to keep ice from building up and keep water flowing off the roofs and into gutters. An estimated cost is about $8,000 for a system that includes automatic controllers and professional installation.
Some other weather related issues were fixed over Spring Break. They still have gutters on the Auxiliary gym and Elementary School to do.
Forsmann said she is looking at doing another sealcoat on the Elementary parking lots but feels they need to address some water issues first in the front lot. 
There will be some surplus items they will be looking at putting out for bids.
In her principal’s report Forsmann noted she is working on class lists and schedules. She is also looking at adding a tech elective. They would schedule K-6 students into the tech elective as they do music, PE and art.
The Elementary concert went very well.
In her superintendent’s report she noted she is still looking into the nursing position discussed last month and outlined what would be expected.
They were awarded a $10,000 grant from the St. Joseph’s Health Care Foundation Board and have submitted a grant to the Nez Perce Tribe for another $10,000 to help pay for the nursing costs for skills and clinicals for the school nursing program which is being transitioned to IDLA and LCSC.
Jon Rehder talked about the band concert set for Tuesday, May 21. Also the FFA banquet on Thursday, May 23 and the blood drive on Friday, Mary 24.
Last day for seniors will be Thursday, May 30. Graduation is Friday, May 31 at 7 p.m.
Last day for underclassmen will be Thursday, June 6 with an early release at 1:30 p.m.
6th graders will tour the high school on June 4.
Registration for next year will be August 8 from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dual credit signup and the sports meeting will be that evening. Dual credit at 6 p.m., sports meeting at 7.
He is looking into developing sports passes for next year’s sporting events. He is still working out the details and will have something in the Chronicle prior to registration day. 
The meeting adjourned at 8:03 p.m. The next regular meeting is set for Monday, June 17 at 7 p.m.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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