Prayer and fasting to end abortion
A Post Falls man has become convinced that political arguments will not change the culture’s view toward abortion and is, instead, promoting fasting and prayer as the solution. Daniel Zint
“Being in the pro-life movement my whole life I have heard the arguments and offered the arguments about the child in the womb having its own blood type, fingerprint and brain waves,” said Daniel Zint, a parishioners at St. Joan of Arc Parish in Post Falls. “These are all good arguments that should impress people. It’s indisputable that the pre-born child is a human being and that’s it wrong to kill a baby, but people don’t seem to be affected by that,” he said.
Zint said it is time for “Catholics to pull out the big guns and call on God with prayer and fasting.” Zint said Satan is at the heart of abortion and, quoted Mark 9:29 where Jesus casts out a demon, which He says, “can be driven out only by prayer.” 
Zint receive permission from priests at four north Idaho churches to ask parishioners to sign up for an hour to pray for an end to abortion. Response has been very positive at all the parishes, he said. “If we can get the diocese, indeed the whole country to pray, we could bring abortion to an end.”
He has had nearly 100 people sign up. He also went to some street corners in Spokane in an attempt to get people to sign up to pray for an hour. Understandably, the response was not as positive, he said.
The lifelong Catholic and Cincinnati native has always been what he calls “passionately pro-life,” especially after the birth of his own eight children.
“I really think it’s time to treat this as a spiritual war. We have to fight this with prayer and fasting,” Zint said.
Editor’s Note: Bonnie Gehring saw this article in the Idaho Catholic Register and thought many of our readers would be interested. We receive permission from the Register to rerun the article.














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