UI Extension offers master gardener training
University of Idaho Extension Master Gardener Training is slated to begin on Tuesday, October 12th, 2021, at the Super 8 by Wyndham meeting room in Grangeville, ID. Classes will run from 1-4 pm and meet once weekly on Tuesdays and one Wednesday class on November 10th.  There will be no class on Thanksgiving week or Dec. 28th. The agenda includes twelve classes covering basic gardening topics as well as advanced topics such plant problem diagnosis, composting, landscaping, organic gardening, propagation, and fruit production. The final class will be a field trip to the University of Idaho with tours of the entomology museum, herbarium, and greenhouses. Classes are taught by UI Extension Educators and Advanced Master Gardeners. Hands-on activities are encouraged whenever possible in class sessions.
The cost of the Master Gardener training is $100. This includes the Master Gardener notebook and additional reference materials provided by instructors. Snacks and beverages will be provided as well. Master Gardeners give back to their communities through Master Gardener volunteer opportunities. Master Gardeners are expected to log 30 hours of volunteer time in the year following completion of training. Our certified Idaho Master Gardeners provide residents of their community answers to gardening questions and solve gardening problems by providing them with reliable, relevant and research-based information.
 Please preregister no later than Tuesday, October 5th. Register by phone with the Idaho County Extension Office at 208-983-2667 or the Lewis County Extension Office at 208-937-2311. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, those requesting reasonable accommodations can call by Tuesday, October 5th at 208-937-2311. This program may be subject to restrictions from the State or University of Idaho stemming from current public health concerns.










Cottonwood, Idaho 83522


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Cottonwood, ID 83522-0157
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