Updated July 26, 2018
Duck Race raises $4900 for girls basketball program
Alexis Hiler organized a duck race fundraiser for the Prairie Girls Basketball team as her senior project. . . .
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Flory reappointed to Idaho Wheat Commission
Bill Flory of Winchester was appointed by Governor C.L. “Butch” Otter to serve a second term with the Idaho Wheat Commission. . . .
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Smart Driver course set for August 15 at Monastery
Refresh your driving skills with the AARP SMART DRiVER™COURSE! . . .
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Prairie Jr./Sr. High registration set for August 9
Registration for “new” Junior High and/or High School Students is from 9:00 a.m. until noon on Thursday, August 9. . . .
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Prairie Jr./Sr. High School Supply Lists
On this page are the school supply lists for Prairie Jr./Sr. High. We will have the Elementary lists next week. . . .
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Nuxoll wins grand prize
The last monthly drawing for the 2017-2018 (Blue Cards) KC 52 Pickup participants was held at the July meeting of KC #1389. . . .
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Prairie schedules
The Prairie High School football and boys basketball and Junior High football schedules for the upcoming school year are now available . . .
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Prairie girls sports schedules
Prairie High School volleyball and girls basketball schedules as well as the Prairie Junior High girls basketball schedule are on this page.  . . .
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Letters to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's print edition of the Cottonwood Chronicle. . . .
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Members of the Prairie girls basketball team after holding their Duck Race fundraiser. The girls holding ducks are holding the top 5 winners. Pictured from left are coach Lori Mader, Delaney Lockett, Molly Johnson, Trinity Martinez, Olivia Klapprich,  Ali Rehder, India Peery, Jordyn Higgins, Kodie Tidwell, Sydnee Bruegeman, Alexis Hiler and Halle Klapprich.Photo provided by Lori Mader. See article below left.  See story at left. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Alexis Hiler presents a check for $4,900, see lower photo, to Lori Mader for the proceeds of the Duck Race which raised money for the Prairie girls basketball program. The event was Hiler’s senior project. Click on each photo for a larger view.

Greg Wherry is sworn is as the new president of the Idaho JCI Senate at the group’s annual Campout at Kamiah this past weekend. He is shown with chairman of the board Alex Irby of Orofino,, vice-president Kelli Callihan of Dalton Gardens, TailTwister Dave Branson of Nezperce, Treasurer Ross Inselman of Donnelley and Chaplain Keith Gabriel of Meridian. They are being sworn in by Bev Briskey, at left in green shirt, National Vice-President. Photo by Janet Branson. Click on the photo for a larger view.

Greg Wherry after taking over as Idaho JCI Senate President, wearing the official hat. Photo by Janet Branson. 
At the same Idaho JCI Senate Campout where Greg Wherry was elected president of the organization, Larry Seubert was awarded as Idaho’s newest JCI Senator, the highest honor you can receive from the Jaycees. It includes an honorary lifetime membership. 

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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