Updated July 28, 2005
85 donate blood
The Blood Drive last Thursday, July 21 has come and gone. There were 85 people generous enough to come and give to this worthwhile cause.   . . .
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Jessma Barrani paints mural at Center for Discovery
Through out the summer Jessma Barrani has been working on this mural at the Center for Discovery. . . .
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Relay for Life awards presented
The American Cancer Society’s Clearwater to Salmon Rivers Relay for Life tripled their fundraising goal for this year.
They had a goal of $15,000 and by the time the final event was completed this past weekend they had raised a total of $45,000. . . .
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Sisters attend gathering; Museum receives grant
St. Mary’s and Clearwater Valley Hospital and Clinics recently met ‘go live’ dates for three components of their new $1.3 million Meditech software system. . . .
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Royalty Luncheon is Tuesday
The Homemakers Council will be hosting the 2006 Idaho County Fair Royalty Candidate Luncheon on August 2, 2005 at the Christian Reformed Church in Grangeville. . . .
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Zephyrs win state title
The Camas Prairie Zephyrs Senior Babe Ruth team won the state tournament this past weekend at Grangeville and will advance to regionals this week. . . .
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Coyote Classic scores success; Midsummer Night's Relay is August 5
The third annual Coyote Classic sponsored by St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics attracted close to 50 runners and walkers last Saturday.  The event was coordinated by Dr. Teel Bruner to promote fitness and fun. . . .
The 2nd annual Midsummer Night’s Relay has been set for Friday, August 5 with registration to start at 8:30 p.m. . . .
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Saddliers compete at 4-H Horse Show
The third annual Coyote Classic sponsored by St. Mary’s Hospital and Clinics attracted close to 50 runners and walkers last Saturday.  The event was coordinated by Dr. Teel Bruner to promote fitness and fun. . . .
The 2nd annual Midsummer Night’s Relay has been set for Friday, August 5 with registration to start at 8:30 p.m. . . .
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Jessma Barrani with the mural she has been pairing for the Center For Discovery. See story at left.

Bryan Skinner, left, CVHC/SMHC Information Technology Director and Drew Johnson, Network Administrator, work on the server that connects the two hospitals and their 7 satellite medical clinics and 4 PT clinics.

In the upper photo the older children enjoy a story read by Adeline Lustig while in the lower photo Brittany Sundstrom reads to the younger group during story time at the Summer Reading Program at Prairie Community Library.  In addition the Prairie Community Library is very excited to announce that Idaho author Joe Steiner will be at the library on August 11th at 1:00 p.m., to read her book, “P is for Potato”.  As part of a national literacy campaign, each state is producing a book, based on the alphabet.  Joy and her author husband, Stan, were chosen to write the book for Idaho.  Everyone is invited to listen to Joy read about how “A is for Appaloosa”, through “Z” is for zinc”.  Idaho First Lady Mrs. Patricia Kempthorne, Idaho Summer Reading Ambassador, recently gifted this book to the library.  The Summer Reading Program on this day will run from 1:00 to 3:00, and will be our final day.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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