Updated August 13, 2009
Cottonwood Council balances budget without raising fees/taxes
The proposed fiscal year 2010 budget was approved at the August meeting of the Cottonwood City Council Monday, August 10.
Mayor Denis Duman said they were able to balance the budget without raising taxes or any of the utility fees. . . .
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Lustig named Syringa employee of the year
Teresa Lustig, Clinic Receptionist at Syringa Grangeville Clinic,  has been named  the 2009 Syringa Employee of the Year.  Joe Cladohous, Chief Executive Officer, presented the prestigious award to Teresa at the annual employee appreciation event  held at the Lions Club Park on Friday, July 31st. . . .
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Centennial celebration finale is Sunday
The Benedictine Sisters of Cottonwood invite the public to join them August 16, 1:30 pm, at the Monastery of St. Gertrude, to celebrate the Grand Finale of their centennial year – “1909-2009: Celebrating 100 Years ‘at Home’ in Idaho.” . . .
Also on this page is the final installment of the history from 100 years ago. . .
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David Poxleitner is re-elected
David Poxleitner was re-elected as a commissioner for the Keuterville Highway District in the election held last Tuesday, August 4. . . .
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Scouts hold awards ceremony
The scouts have been working very hard since school got out.  The cub scouts were recognized in a previous article. . . .
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Jennifer Cochran is library volunteer of the month
Jennifer Cochran is our Prairie Community Library volunteer of the month of August. . . .
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Monastery has visitors from Switzerland
Abbess Pia Habermacher and Sister Rut Maria Buschor of the San Andreas Kloster in Sarnen, Switzerland, were welcomed to the Monastery of St. Gertrude with a red carpet and the joyous ringing of the chapel bells on August 5. . . .
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Little Sister Laura Lee visits Cottonwood
Little Sister Laura Lee (Seubert) of the Little Sisters of Jesus made a visit to Washington State and Idaho during the last two weeks of July.  She is currently living in Gallitzin, Pennsylvania (a small, former mining town named after Prince Gallitzin, a Russian prince turned frontier priest whose ministry in the Allegheny Mountains of Pennsylvania is well-known and documented). . . .
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Prairie Horizons update 
Prairie Horizons Dutch Oven Cook-Off and Movie Night in the Park: Several people enjoyed the movie ET on July 31st.  Thank you to the community members who came out to support our fundraising effort to renovate the Community Center Hall. . . .
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Band rehearsal set for Monday; PHS football schedule
The Prairie High School Pirate Band will be performing at the Idaho County Fair Parade Saturday, August 22. . . .
Also on this page is the 2009 PHS football schedule. . . .
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PHS volleyball schedule
There will be a player/parent volleyball meeting for those interested in high school volleyball this fall. 
The meeting will be held at Prairie High school at 6:30 p.m. on August 12th.   . . .
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Summit school supply lists & school calendar
On this page are the Summit Academy school supply lists for 2009-2010 as well as the school calendar.. . . .
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Letters to the Editor
On this page are letters to the editor that appeared in this week's print edition of the Chronicle. . . .
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Prairie School supply lists
Can be found at http://www.cottonwoodchronicle.com/073009/girlssports.html

Joe Cladouhos, CEO, presents the Employee of the Year Award to Teresa Lustig, Grangeville Clinic receptionist.  See story at left.

Boys Scouts and Cub Scouts at their awards ceremony. Back row from left are Drew Cochran, Chris Bradley, Seth Chaffee, Mike Karel, Frank Spencer and Matt Jungert. Front from left are Hunter Chaffee, Jared Coppernoll, Jordan Bowles, John Bradley and Philip Spencer. Not pictured are Dakota Wilson, Tyler Hankerson, Anthony Karel and Brandon Latimer. Click on the photo for a larger view. See story at left.

A crossing over ceremony was held on July 30 at Cottonwood  City Park. Butch and Jean Spencer followed their son Philip Spencer as he crossed over the official bridge into Boy Scout Troop 638. 

Jennifer Cochran, August Volunteer of the month at Prairie Community Library. See story at left.

Little Sister Laura Lee (Seubert) of the Little Sisters of Jesus, visited Cottonwood recently and had her picture taken with Audrey Uhlenkott. See story at left.

Sister Rut Maria Buschor and Abbess Pia Habermacher of the San Andreas Kloster in Sarnen, Switzerland, arrive at the monastery, escorted by St. Gertrude’s Sisters Cecile Marie Uhlorn and Clarissa Geockner, prioress. See story above left.

Cottonwood, Idaho 83522

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(if you have an event you want on the events calendar, contact  Carol Altman at Cottonwood City Hall at cottonwd@sitestar.net)

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